Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not With a Bang but With a..... Poem?!

Not my Cuppa/Because (excerpt)

Because we know where all this goes

We've seen it all before

The towers and the KKK in 1934.

From Kristallnacht to Birmingham

The line is pretty straight.

You call yourselves patriots

And we just call it hate.

The kind of hate that sends

60 million to their death.

But you justify your actions

'Cuz you're fightin' 'gainst The Left.

The Left that brought you labor rights

And the freedom of speech.

The ones who combat ignorance

And the intolerance you teach.

Because we know what Woody taught us:

This machine kills fascists too!

We stopped you then, we'll stop you now,

You'll get what you are due.

So party on tea-baggers

Till you rip us all apart.

You're planning for the end of times

We're planning for a start.

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